Table 3. Implementation context of each identified Reach Up (RU) programs.
Country | Program Name | Years of Implementation (total duration) | Program Aims (implementation and/or outcome goals of program) | Implementation Scale (Rural/Urban) | Reach (n) | Child Age (in months) | Implementation Site |
African Region | |||||||
Zimbabwe (low income) | Modified Reach Up | 2015–2018 (36 months) |
Implementation Goal: Not reported Outcome Goal: Improve parenting skills of responsive caregiving in order to improve children’s child development gains. |
Community (rural) | 200 children | 6–48 months | Not reported |
Madagascar (low income) | Early Stimulation | 2014–2016 (24 months) |
Implementation Goal: Determine whether nutrition supplementation, stimulation, or a combined intervention would best address severe stunting and ECD delays among young children in Madagascar. Outcome Goal: Use an innovated integrated nutrition and caregiving program to reduce chronic malnutrition and promote child development in low-income settings. |
Community (rural/urban) | 2490 children | 0–24 months | Program sites were sampled from five regions in South and Southeast Madagascar: Amoron’i Mania, Androy, Atsimo Atsinanana, Haute Matsiatra, and Vatovavy-Fitovinany. These regions have some of the highest prevalence of child stunting in the nation. Specifically, these sites were selected for World Bank emergency loans to restore and strengthen basic health service delivery following the political and economic crisis between 2009 and 2012. |
Americas Region | |||||||
Jamaica (low income) | Jamaican Home Visiting Program | 1986–1989 (24-month intervention with additional month for study activities) |
Implementation Goal: Development of a novel, effective ECD program that improves child development and associated characteristics in low-resource communities Outcome Goal: Improve child development of children in low-resource households. |
Community (urban/peri-urban) | 129 children | 9 to 24 months | The program was conducted in poor neighborhoods of the city of Kingston and adjoining parishes of St. Andrew and St. Catherine. |
Colombia (middle income) | Home-based Early Childhood Development Intervention | 2010–2013 (18 months) |
Implementation Goal: Not identified Outcome Goal: Improve parenting practices and enhance psychosocial stimulation in young children, both of which benefit ECD outcomes to promote long-term health. |
Regional (rural) | 1,419 children | 12–42 months | The intervention was targeted at families receiving the Colombian CCT program, and was implemented in semi-urban municipalities in 3 regions of central Colombia. |
Enhanced FAMI | 2014–2016 (average duration 11 months, but duration varied by implementing community) |
Implementation Goal: Improve quality of parenting program with a nutrition component implemented at scale. Outcome Goal: Improve child cognitive development, decrease risk stunning, and enhance early learning environment. |
Regional (rural) | 2,134 children | 0–24 months | Implemented in central rural and peri-rural regions: Boyaca, Cundinamarca, Santander, Tolima | |
Brazil (middle income) | Responsive Caregiving and Early Learning Program | 2015–2016 (12 months) |
Implementation Goal: Evaluate efficacy and cost-effectiveness of the home visiting program. Outcome Goal: Improve parenting skills of responsive caregiving in order to improve children’s child development gains. |
Community (urban) | 400 children | 6–48 months | This intervention was implemented in western urban districts of Sao Paulo, the largest city in Brazil. Sao Paolo contains slums and over 30% of the population receive less than half the federal minimum wage. |
Peru (middle income) | Cuna Más | 2012-present (on-going) |
Implementation Goal: Not identified Outcome Goal: Improve early childhood cognition, language, physical and socioemotional development, and improve family knowledges and practices to strengthen attachment. |
National (rural) | 149,000 children | 0–36 months | Cuna Más is aimed at children living in poverty across rural and urban communities. In marginalized urban areas, a daycare service is available for children age 6–36 months. In rural communities, home visiting services and monthly group sessions for children under 36 months and their primary caregivers and pregnant women are offered. |
Eastern Mediterranean | |||||||
Syria, Lebanon, Jordan (low income) | Modified Reach Up and Learn | 2017–2019 (52 months) |
Implementation Goal: Creating environments that support engagement and opportunities for kids ages 0–3 to achieve optimal ECD outcomes. Outcome Goals: Not identified |
Community (rural) | 4,089 children | 6–42 months | A mapping of sectors and program statuses was conducted to inform which sectors would implement in Jordan and Lebanon. In Lebanon, intervention was implemented in peri-urban areas. In Jordan, it was implemented in peri-urban areas and informal tented settlements. In Syria, it was implemented in the Northeast region in peri-urban and camps for internally displaced persons. |
South-East Asia Region | |||||||
Bangladesh (low income) | Integrated psychosocial stimulation and unconditional cash transfer | July 2017—December 2018 |
Implementation Goal: Integrated psychosocial stimulation intervention to lactating mothers enrolled in an unconditional cash transfer. Outcome Goal: Improve the child development. |
Community (rural) | 594 children | 6–16 months | The program was implemented in Ullapara subdistrict because it had sufficient number of wards (a clearly demarked area) for cluster randomization. Also, it is located 180km from Dhaka facilitating regular visits by the research staff based in Dhaka. |
Integrated responsive stimulation, maternal mental health, nutrition, WASH and lead exposure prevention interventions (RINEW) | March- April 2017 (Pilot) and September 2017- May 2018 (Trial) |
Implementation Goal: Integrate a psychosocial stimulation, maternal mental health, nutrition, WASH and lead exposure prevention interventions targeting pregnant and lactating mothers. Outcome Goal: Improve caregiving practices, child development, and caregiver mental health. |
Community (rural) | 40 participants (pilot) 621 participants (trial) |
0–24 months (pilot) 0–15 months (trial) |
The pilot program was implemented by Community Health Works in two villages (Adampur and Chorbetal) in Kishoreganj district. The trial program was implemented by Community Health Works in villages with population between 200 to 800 households located in Katiadi and Kuliarchar subdistricts of Kishoreganj district. |
Modified Reach Up | 2014–2016 (12-month intervention phased in by districts) |
Implementation Goal: Integrate the intervention into existing routine government health services for underweight children from poor families. Outcome Goal: Improve the child development of malnourished children. |
Community (rural) | 1,597 children | 5–24 months | The program was implemented at community clinics in Narsingdi district. This district was selected because it had a sufficient number of community clinics and was less than 80 km from the city of Dhaka. | |
Psychosocial Stimulation | Not reported (6 months) |
Implementation Goal: Evaluate effectiveness of combined and independent nutrition and responsive caregiving interventions on child nutrition and development. Outcome Goal: Prevent severe developmental delays among malnourished children. |
Community (urban) | 507 children | 6–24 months | This intervention was implemented in a centrally-located hospital and follow-up nutrition clinics in four urban slums of Dhaka city. | |
Modified Jamaican Home Visiting Program | 2000–2002 (12 months program implementation, additional months preparing and measuring follow-up data) |
Implementation Goal: Compare mechanism of combined and independent nutrition and responsive caregiving interventions on child nutrition and development. Outcome Goal: Improve ECD outcomes of undernourished Bangladeshi children. |
Community (peri-urban) | 313 children | 6–24 months | This program was implemented in the Monohardi subdistrict which is about a two-hour drive outside the large city of Dhaka. This is a rural area with high poverty and most residents are farmers. |