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. 2023 Jul 21;5:ojad070. doi: 10.1093/asjof/ojad070

Table 2.

Implant Factors

Factor % of total respondents
Currently I use the following implant manufacturers (multiple responses allowed)
 B Lite (Polytech Health & Aesthetics GmbH, Dieburg, Germany) 6.85
 Eurosilicone (GC Aesthetics; Apt, France) 4.79
 Ideal (saline) (Ideal Implant Incorporated, Addison, TX) 0.00
 Mentor (Johnson & Johnson, Irvine, CA) 71.23
 Motiva (Establishment Labs Holdings Inc., Alajuela, Costa Rica) 27.40
 Nagor (GC Aesthetics, Glasgow) 27.40
 Polytech (Polytech Heath & Aesthetics GmbH, Dieburg, Germany) 16.44
 Sebbin (Groupe Sebbin, Paris, France) 12.33
 Sientra (Sientra Inc., Santa Barbara, CA) 0.00
 Silmed (polyurethane) (Silimed Industria de Implantes Ltda; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 0.68
 Others 0.68
The most common implant that I use in my practice
 B Lite 0.00
 Eurosilicone 0.00
 Ideal (saline) 0.00
 Mentor 56.16
 Motiva 19.86
 Nagor 11.64
 Polytech 3.42
 Sebbin 5.48
 Sientra 0.00
 Silmed (polyurethane) 0.00
 Others 3.42
Patient's choice of implant for primary augmentation
 Anatomical 13.01
 Round 78.08
 Other (please specify) 8.90
Surgeons’ choice of implant for primary augmentation
 Anatomical 14.38
 Round 75.34
 Other (please specify) 10.27
Textured vs smooth implants; I use the following implant
 Smooth 16.44
 Macro textured 28.08
 Micro textured 28.77
 Nano textured 23.29
 Other (please specify) 3.42
Size of implant, cc
 150-250 2.74
 250-350 80.82
 350-450 15.75
 >450 0.68
Acellular dermal matrix as an implant stabilizer
 Do not use it at all 83.33
 Use it in selected cases 14.58
 Use it in all cases 0
 Other (please specify) 3.47