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. 2023 Jul 21;5:ojad070. doi: 10.1093/asjof/ojad070

Table 3.

Surgical Techniques in Primary Augmentation

Surgical technique % of total respondents
 Infra mammary incision 99.32
 Trans-axillary incision 0.68
 Periareolar incision 1.37
 Other (please specify) 0.68
 Submuscular 42.47
 Subglandular 57.53
If submuscular, I prefer
 Traditional subpectoral dissection 6.85
 Dual plane (Tebbetts) 80.14
 Biplane 6.16
 NA 3.42
 Other (please specify) 3.42
My surgical dissection technique includes
 Blunt finger dissection 2.74
 Total electro dissection 69.86
 Sharp dissection with scissors or knife 1.37
 Combination method of blunt and electro dissection 33.56
I use the following to rinse the implant and/or pocket
 Iodine (betadine) 50.68
 Triple antibiotic solutions 19.18
 Saline 7.53
 None 2.05
 Other 20.55
Use of sleeve for implant insertion
 Yes 62.33
 No 37.67

NA, not applicable.