Fig. 2. Clinical response in patients with EC following NP137 treatment.
a–c, Fourteen patients (median age, 68.3 years (44.7–80.6); ECOG performance status 0, n = 5; ECOG performance status 1, n = 9) who had advanced or metastatic stage IV EC and were previously treated with a median of three (2.0–6.0) systemic treatment lines before inclusion were treated with NP137 (14 mg kg–1, n = 11 patients or 20 mg kg–1, n = 3 patients) with a median of 5.5 injections (2.0–17.0). a, Each bar represents one patient. Best responses to treatment are presented based on investigator review (according to protocol). Filled stars, radiological progression as per RECIST v.1.1; hollow stars, clinical progression as per investigator assessment; red arrowheads, partial response according to RECIST v.1.1; green arrowheads, stable disease according to RECIST v.1.1; red circles, death. b, Graph presenting the size evolution of target lesions (sum of two liver target lesions) from patient no. 02-004 treated intravenously with 14 mg kg–1 NP137 Q2W. Tumour response was assessed as partial response (PR) at 6 weeks and then at 3, 6 and 9 months; −30% reduction in target lesions size compared to baseline indicates partial response according to RECIST v.1.1. A dotted line showing the 20% increase in target lesions size compared to the nadir (minimum lesions size upon NP137 treatment) is also indicated. c, Abdominal transversal scans presenting liver metastasis at baseline, C3D1 (post cycle 3) and C6D1 (post cycle 6) from patient no. 02-004. Red arrowheads indicate lesions of interest.