Fig. 5. IgM epitope mapping.
A Representative indirect immuno-fluorescence assay (IFA showing reactivity of IgM from an individual immunized 3× with SumayaVac-1 with developing merozoites during schizogony and free mature merozoites. Trophozoites as well as non-IgM opsonized schizonts served as a negative control. Scale bar, 5 μm. B Mapping of linear B cell epitopes across MSP1 for IgM. Sera from vaccinees (1:1000) was applied to a custom-made MSP1 peptide microarray chip. The fluorescence intensity landscapes across MSP1 are shown for each sample (n = 24). Controls comprise the placebos (n = 4). For orientation, the structural organization of MSP1 is shown over the fluorescence profiles. Pre-staining was done with the respective secondary antibodies goat anti-human IgG (Fc) DyLight680, goat anti-human IgM (μ chain) DyLight800 (0.2 μg/ml). Full details of epitopes and fluorescence intensities are provided in the Data file S4. C Location over the entire MSP1 protein of the top 5% binder epitopes showing the stronger increases in the averaged median intensities between placebo (n = 4) and vaccinees (n = 24) for IgM. Relevant epitopes have been highlighted.