Service delivery |
Vaccine supply, quality, and logistics |
Availability and continuity of services
Existence of guidelines on vaccine management, transport management, cold chain, and waste disposal and destruction
Cold-chain equipment operating and in good repair
Completion and display of cold-chain monitoring charts
Existence of inventory of immunization equipment that includes date-of-purchase, functional status, maintenance schedule, and evidence that equipment that has been maintained.
Availability and sustainable access to other immunization equipment
Vaccine forecasting, vaccine utilization, and wastage monitoring
Quality of vaccines, including fully functional National Regulatory Authority or other independent assessment of quality performed, manufacturer viable or vaccines procured from prequalified
Implementation of a multi-dose vial policy
Completion of a standardized immunization injection safety survey
Existence and implementation of policy, plan, and budget on injection safety assessment
Type of injection equipment in use
Method of injection equipment disposal
Surveillance and monitoring |
Completeness and timeliness of routine reporting
Completion and display of coverage/drop-out monitoring charts
Vaccine-preventable disease (VPD) incidence rate
Proportion of cases confirmed by laboratory
Mortality rate and case fatality rate
System for detecting, investigating, and reporting adverse events following immunization (AEFI)
Notified and investigated AEFI
Case/outbreak investigation initiated within 48 h of notification
Percentage of reported VPD cases with information on age and vaccination status
Feedback of data to sub-national levels
Supervisory checklists complete
Development of monitoring indicators
Staff monitor status and stock of supplies, equipment, and consumables
Advocacy and communication |
Availability of social mobilization, advocacy, or overall communication plan
Availability of specific strategy for hard-to-reach population in immunization policy
Existence of clinician advocacy and community mobilization
Existence of active community health committees
Planning meetings conducted with communities
Community mobilizers involved in immunization sessions and outreach
Engagement of sectors other than the MoH (e.g., Information, Education, Finance, Development, and Planning)
Commitment of a broad range of high-level decision makers (demonstrated by active support and public promotion)
Budget for activities, staffing, and materials
Availability of adequate and appropriate information, education, and communication (ICE) materials
Program management |
Government funding of vaccines for routine immunization and program-recurrent costs for supplies and operations
Multiple-year commitment to financing
Proportion of planed supportive supervision visits conducted
Adequacy of personnel to carry out tasks
Adequacy of personnel training
Reports on implementation of the plans
Assessment of services conducted