Fig. 8.
A C3 mRNA in LPS-injected wild-type mouse brains at 1 h, 2 days, and 1 month after the injection. N = 5. B Representative pictures of immunofluorescence staining of 3-NT (green color) in the substantial nigra region of LPS-injected C57BL/6 J and C3-deficient mice 6 months after injection. Note the immunofluorescence staining of 3-NT was mainly observed in the substantial nigra compact region where the majority of cell type was TH-positive dopamine-containing neurons. There are three mice in each group. All results are mean ± SEM from at least three independent experiments in duplicate. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and *** p < 0.001. Panel A was analyzed with an unpaired t-test. Panel B was analyzed with two-way ANOVA flowed by Sidak’s post hoc multiple comparisons test