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. 2023 Jul 18;44(4):701–711. doi: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2022.481

Table 1. Allelic diversity in surface locations and El Pachón cave.

H-c5 I-b1 V-f3 A8-g5 X-a3 W-f6 A13-e5 L-b9 A2-a7 V-c10 A13-f8 A6-f1 A6-h6 A14-d8 A4-g11 W-d11 W-c12 A5-f9
The names of the 18 microsatellite loci analyzed are indicated in the first line. For each locus, allele sizes are indicated in columns. Alleles in red are found in El Pachón, those highlighted in green are unique to El Pachón.
154 303 201 150 198 273 242 213 106 228 107 257 103 115 161 154 169 194
156 305 205 160 200 277 244 215 108 232 109 265 105 121 165 162 171 196
158 307 207 162 202 281 246 223 110 234 113 267 107 123 167 166 173 198
160 309 209 164 204 282 248 225 112 236 115 269 111 125 169 170 177 200
162 311 211 166 206 283 250 227 114 238 117 271 113 127 171 172 179 204
164 313 213 168 208 285 252 229 116 240 119 273 115 129 173 174 185 206
166 315 215 170 210 287 254 233 118 242 121 121 131 177 176 193 207
168 317 172 212 289 256 259 120 244 123 123 133 179 178
170 319 174 291 258 271 122 246 125 125 135 183 180
172 329 176 293 262 124 248 127 127 137 182
174 178 295 264 126 129 129 143 184
178 297 272 128 131 131 145 186
130 133 135 147 188
134 135 139 190
138 137 192
140 139 194
142 143 196
144 147 200
148 149 202
150 161 204