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. 2023 Jul 22;12(7):1221. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics12071221

Table 5.

Correlation of positive virulence genes of S. aureus isolates (N = 47) in MRSA (N = 30) and S.A (N = 17) and sex, male (N = 30) and female (N = 17).

Variables Positive Gene, Positive % Type of Bacteria p Values *
Gene Number 47 MRSA S. A
Male Female Male Female
finbA 46 (97.9) 20 9 9 8 0.277
sdrC 47 (100) 21 9 9 8 0.242
sea 12 (25.5) 8 4 0 0 0.213
tst 3 (4.3) 2 0 0 1 0.083
clfA 46 (97.9) 21 9 8 8 0.181
coa 47 (100) 21 9 9 8 0.242
spa 20 (42.6) 9 4 3 4 0.251
finbB 47 (100) 21 9 9 8 0.242
agr 22 (46.8) 10 6 2 3 0.375
nuc 47 (100) 21 9 9 8 0.242
efb 46 97.9) 20 9 9 8 0.277
pvl 25 (53.2) 13 3 8 2 0.937
sdrD 47 (100) 21 9 9 8 0.242
hlg 47 (100) 21 9 9 8 0.242
hla 47 (100) 21 9 9 8 0.242
seb 13 (27.7) 8 4 0 1 0.188
sec 6 (12.8) 0 3 1 2 0.273
sed 2 (4.3) 1 0 1 0 1
icaA 47 (100 21 9 9 8 0.242

p values *: Correlation between positive gene and type of bacteria (MRSA and SA). finbA and finbB: Fibronectin-binding proteins. SdrC and sdrD: Serine Aspartic Repeat Protein. ClfA: Clumping factor proteins. sea, seb, sec, and sed: Staphylococcal enterotoxins. hlg. hla, pvl, and tst: exotoxin genes. nuc: Nucleases. coa, efb, icaA, and agr: other virulence genes in S. aureus.