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. 2023 Aug 8;11:e15747. doi: 10.7717/peerj.15747

Table 2. Variables collected during the interview.

Variable collected Assigned short name Variable structure
How you assess that the load you are putting on your donkey is practical for them? Load assessment Categorical
Do you use padding under the saddle? Saddle padding Binary—yes or no
How is the speed of loaded donkey selected? Speed of donkey Binary—chosen by donkey or triggered by you
Does the duration of work per day vary by season? Duration of work Binary—yes or no
Is there availability of feed during the working day? Availability of food Binary—yes or no
Is there availability of water during the working day? Availability of water Binary—yes or no
Have you seen load associated injuries in your donkey? Injuries Categorical
What is the cause of load associated injuries? Cause of injuries Categorical
The weight that you put on your animal, is it good for your donkey? Appropriateness of current mounted weight Categorical
What is the reason that people overload their donkeys? Reason for overloading Binary—for more income or to finish work earlier
Have you noticed an increase or decrease in general body condition since you bought this donkey? Body condition Categorical
Do you think your donkey has emotions? Emotion Categorical
Do you think your donkey feels pain? Pain Categorical
Would you follow loading guidelines (if available) for benefit of your donkey? Guidelines Categorical