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. 2023 Jul 25;12(15):1927. doi: 10.3390/cells12151927

Table 3.

Summary of the behavioral effects of the Fmr1-KO genotype and CBDV treatments.

Behavioral Domain Test Variable Measured ADULTS (Study 1) JUVENILES (Study 2)
Figures KO Genotype Effect CBDV Treatment Effect Figures KO Genotype Effect CBDV Treatment Effect
Anxiety EPM % Time open arms Figure S1 none none Figure S2 ↓ anxiety none
OF %Time center Figure 2b ↓ anxiety in CBDV-100 only CBDV-100 induces a KO phenotype Figure 5b ↓ anxiety none
Locomotor activity EPM total arm entries Figure S1 none none Figure S3 ↑ activity none
OF Total distance moved Figure 2a ↑ activity none Figure 5a ↑ activity none
Learning & memory OR % OR index Figure 2d ↓ object memory ↓ in WT mice, no rescue in KOs Figure 5d ↓ object memory ↓ in WT mice, rescue in KOs
Social interest 3-COMP % sociability index (trial 2) Figure 3d none none Figure 6d none none
% social novelty index (trial 3) Figure 3f ↓ social novelty preference ↓ in WT mice, no rescue in KOs Figure 6f ↓ social memory ↓ in WT mice, rescue in KOs
SI Affiliation time Figure 4a ↓ social interaction ↓ in WT mice, no rescue in KOs Figure 7a ↓ social interaction ↓ in WT mice, rescue in KOs
Sensory responsiveness ASR startle body response Figure 4b ↑ acoustic startle rescue in KOs only with CBDV-20 Figure 7b ↑ acoustic startle rescue in KOs

Significant genotype x treatment interactions are highlighted in blue. EPM = elevated plus maze; OF = open field; OR = object recognition; 3-COMP = 3-compartment test; SI = social interaction; ASR = acoustic startle response. ↑ increase. ↓ decrease.