Signaling pathways play an essential role in organizing the Golgi apparatus and maintaining neuronal polarity during neurogenesis. First, lipid transfer proteins (PITPNA/PITPNB) augment GOLPH3 recruitment to the Golgi apparatus via PI4P signaling; which promotes its positioning towards MYO18A’s target compartment. Secondly, STK25 and Mst4, two downstream effectors of LKB1, possess the capacity to co-immunoprecipitate with STRAD and bind to Golgi matrix protein GM130, acting as key organizers within its organelles. Reelin and Dab1 also regulate the expansion of Golgi bodies into pyramidal neurons’ apical processes. Finally, the BIG2-ARF1-RhoA-mDia1 signaling pathway plays an integral role in controlling dendritic Golgi deployment and growth in newly created hippocampal neurons in adults.