The foot scores for the 42 female and 55 male Chilean Flamingos at Dublin Zoo at three time points (A = 6 May 2021, B = 16 April 2022, and C = 9 November 2022). These scores reflect the scoring metric developed by Nielsen et al. [20] and include the four types of common flamingo foot lesion (hyperkeratosis, fissures, nodular lesions, and papillomatous growths). All comparisons between males and females at each time point (A, B, and C) are non-significant (ns). Pink and blue boxes denote interquartile ranges (25th to 75th percentiles), central horizontal lines denote median values (50th percentiles), and black whiskers denote 5th and 95th percentiles. Solid black dots denote outliers, and shaded black dots show the distribution of the data.