Fig. 3: Performance evaluation in different benchmarking scenarios.
a, Accuracy of identifying ground truth labels for the scenario with extra noise (noise level = 1) in source and target domain. Dashed lines refer to 15% percentile of SpaRx’s F1 scores. b, Boxplot of F1 scores over three scenarios with extra noise (noise level = 1, 1.5, 2) in source and target data. c, Accuracy of identifying ground truth labels for the scenario with extensive dropouts (dropout rate = 70%) in source and target domain. d, Boxplot of F1 scores over three scenarios with different dropout levels (dropout rate = 70%, 80%, 90%) in source and target domain. e, Accuracy of identifying ground truth labels for the scenario with limited number of genes (number of genes = 2k) in source and target domain. f, Boxplot of F1 scores over three scenarios with limited number of genes (number of genes = 2k, 853, 500) in source and target domain.