Figure 3: Single-cell analysis of lung and peripheral blood samples from patients treated with or without dexamethasone.
a,b, Plot per patient showing the collection of blood (a; N = 7 Dex, 3 NoDex) or TA samples (b; N = 10 Dex, 7 NoDex) overlaid on hospitalization (gray bars) and dexamethasone treatment (pink bars). X-axis shows days of hospitalization (day 0 = admission to UCSF hospital). Dots show the day when sample was collected, colored by Study Day (methods). c,d, UMAP plots of single-cell RNA-seq data from blood (c) or TA (d) samples, clustered and annotated by major immune cell types. e,f, UMAP plots of single-cell RNA-seq data from blood (e) or TA (f) samples, colored by Dex (blue) or NoDex (pink) samples. g,h, log2 fold difference of gene expression of Dex and NoDex in TA (y-axis) v. blood (x-axis) plotted for Neutrophils (g) and Tregs (h). Significant genes in TA only (blue), blood only (brown), both compartments (red) are shown (adj. p-value < 0.1 & |log2 fold-difference| > 0.5). Spearman’s correlation R value shown between the two compartments.