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[Preprint]. 2023 Aug [Version 1] doi: 10.21203/

Table 4.

Characteristics of infants with culture-confirmed EOS identified neither or only by the categorical approach.

(w, d)
Max. Maternal
Temp. (°C)
Infant Culture
Probability of
Identified by categorical approach only
1 37, 2 38.3 7.6 Neg Broad >4hrs Well L. monocytogenes 0.22 Routine VS
2 39, 1 38.2 9.2 Pos GBS IAP Well A. neurii (cord) 0.27 Routine VS
3 40, 6 38.1 3.3 Neg None Well S. gallolyticus 0.30 Routine VS
4 39, 5 38.3 14.4 Pos GBS IAP Well S. mitis (cord) 0.37 Routine VS
5 39, 0 38.1 14.3 Neg None Well S. mitis 0.44 VS Q4hrs ×24h
6 39, 1 38.4 15.6 Pos GBS IAP Well E. coli 0.45 VS Q4hrs ×24h
7 40, 2 38.1 17.1 Neg None Well E. faecalis 0.48 VS Q4hrs ×24h
8 39, 6 38.0 26.7 Pos None Well S. agalactiae 0.49 VS Q4hrs ×24h
9 41, 5 38.7 21.5 Neg Broad >4hrs Well S. agalactiae (cord) 0.61 VS Q4hrs ×24h
10 39, 6 38.1 38.0 Neg None Well S. viridans 0.68 VS Q4hrs ×24h
11 39, 1 39.1 24.0 Neg Broad >4hrs Well S. anginosus (cord) 0.80 VS Q4hrs ×24h
12 35, 3 36.6 0.0 Pos None Equi. S. viridans 0.98 Routine VS
Not identified by either approach
1 38, 3 37.4 11.9 Pos GBS IAP Well S. aureus (csf) 0.09 Routine VS
2 41, 5 37.9 16.5 Neg None Well S. aureus 0.51 VS Q4hrs ×24h
3 40, 6 37.2 0.8 Neg None Well S. gallolyticus 0.05 Routine VS
4 40, 1 38.4 24.2 Neg None Well E. coli 0.89 VS Q4hrs ×24h
5 39, 5 37.8 5.5 Neg None Well E. coli 0.19 Routine VS

EOS: early onset sepsis; GA: gestational age; w: weeks; d: days; Max: maximum; Temp: temperature; ROM: rupture of membranes; hrs: hours; GBS:

Group B Streptococcus; Neg: Negative; Pos: Positive; Broad: broad spectrum antibiotics administered more than 4 hours before delivery; IAP:

intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis; Equi: equivocal; csf: cerebral spinal fluid; VS: vital signs; Q4hrs × 24 hrs: every 4 hours for 24 hours.


Peripheral blood culture unless otherwise indicated in parentheses as cord blood or csf culture.