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. 2023 Aug 1;11(15):2184. doi: 10.3390/healthcare11152184

Table 3.

Comparative values of COVID-19 characteristics of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 and vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 compared to those hospitalized with COVID-19 and not vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2.

Vaccinated Patients N = 129 (A) Not Vaccinated Patients N = 172 (B) p (t-Test)
Av. SD Min; Max Median Av. SD Min; Max Median
(years old)
61.8 16.8 18; 90 67 64 18.4 18; 96 68 0.28
Hospitalization length (days) 5.88 3.21 1; 19 5 6.75 3.60 1; 21 6 0.03
Charlson score 2.43 1.77 0; 7 3 2.66 1.78 0; 8 3 0.27
Oxygen saturation at admission (%) 94.75 3.73 60; 98 95 94.28 2.52 86; 98 95 0.19
D-dimer (ng/mL) 855.47 1264.90 130.6; 10,000 512.86 1390.02 1955.01 45; 12,226.32 798.27 0.01
CK (U/L) 181.04 324.08 14.2; 2477.2 86.8 363.8 2023.65 5.9; 25,125 97.5 0.33
Troponin (ng/mL) 36.72 228.09 1.5; 2171 4 64.01 294.6 1.5; 2947 5.8 0.45
ESR (mm/1h) 31.01 21.7 4; 90 24 36.12 23.71 2; 110 30 0.06
C-reactive protein (mg/L) 33.71 51.69 0.18; 378.09 11.85 39.94 51.17 0.18; 301.4 24.32 0.32
Leukocytes (N/µL) 7003.88 5420.67 1220; 47,000 6100 6449.71 6890.95 1020; 81,600 5400 0.45
Platelets (N/µL) 226,054.26 85,583.69 24,000; 683,000 213,000 205,575.58 82,571.96 36,000; 511,000 193,000 0.04
Hb (g/dL) 13.45 1.61 8.3; 17.2 13.6 13.1 1.74 7.5; 19.9 13.15 0.08
ALT (U/L) 30.61 24.87 7.2; 162.9 22.4 47.76 210.8 6.1; 2736.5 24.05 0.36
AST (U/L) 30.68 17.41 12.8; 130.8 24.6 52.4 132.17 10.5; 1578.4 29.95 0.07
Total bilirubin (mg/dL) 0.59 0.36 0.13; 2.74 0.52 0.74 1.32 0.15; 13.36 0.5 0.20
Direct bilirubin (mg/dL) 0.19 0.12 0.05; 0.74 0.16 0.34 1.16 0.04; 11.8 0.17 0.16
Prothrombin concentration (%) 95.72 18.61 28.5; 130 97.9 92.53 17.83 20.4; 129.5 96.2 0.15
Serum urea (mg/dL) 34.94 17.15 11.5; 116.4 30.3 36.75 20.22 8.3; 146.3 30.7 0.42
Serum creatinine (mg/dL) 1.03 0.5 0.52; 4.87 0.93 1.04 0.61 0.51; 7.25 0.9 0.93
Serum glucose (mg/dL) 106.26 27.69 26.2; 219.3 97.8 122.15 53.08 53.2; 357.7 105.65 0.01
BMI 27.328 6.302 17.04; 57.1 26.3
Number of days required for oxygen therapy 0.52 1.89 0; 10 0 0.96 2.89 0; 19 0 0.13
CURB 65 score 1.51 0.64 0; 3 2 1.55 0.65 0; 3 2 0.64

Abbreviations and normal values: Av, Average; SD, Standard Deviation; Max, Maximum Value; Min, Minimum value; T-t, Student Test (t) for differences between means; Normal values: D-dimer < 500 ng/mL; CK, Creatine kinase 0–171 U/L; troponin 0.01–0.1 ng/mL; ESR, Erythrocytes sedimentation rate 0–15 mm/1 h; C-reactive protein < 10 mg/L; leukocytes 4000–10,000/µL; Hg, hemoglobin 13–17 g/dL; Platelets 150–450 × 106/µL; ALT, alanil-aminotransferase 0–45 U/L; AST, aspartate-aminotransferase 0/35 U/L; Total bilirubin 0.1–1.2 mg/dL; Direct bilirubin 0–0.2 mg/dL; Prothrombin concentration 70–100%;Serum urea 18–55 mg/dL; Serum creatinine 0.8–1.3 mg/dL; Serum glucose 74–108 mg/dL; BMI, body mass index 18.5–24.9 kg/m2.