(A–C) Forest plot of the effect size for the values of BMD reported for each bone site, according to the exercises or sports analysed in the current study. Obs.: FN: Femoral Neck, Tr: Trochanter, PF: Proximal Femoral, P: Pelvis, TH: Total Hip, AH: Average Hip, L3-L4: Lumbar Vertebrae 3–4, LS: Lumbar Spine, Legs: Both Legs, S-M: Lumbar Man, S-W Lumbar Woman, Sw: Swimmers, SSw: Synchronized Swimmers, WP: Water Polo, S: Soccer, FH: Field Hockey, V: Volleyball, Cr: Cricket, R: Running, Ru: Rugby, B: Boxing, Wr: Wrestlers, J: Judo, En: Endurance Athletes. The markers represent the effect size and 95% CI.