Table 4.
A summary table showing the advantages and disadvantages of the used algorithm for predicting the release of peptides during proteolysis.
Modeling Principles | Advantages | Disadvantages |
The technique for determining the concentrations of peptide bonds during proteolysis is well established | In the transition from the concentrations of peptides to the concentrations of peptide bonds, a part of the information is lost |
Quantification of rate constants for hydrolysis of peptide bonds is well tested | The determination of the hydrolysis rate constants is limited by accuracy of determining experimental curves |
Accounting for demasking improves the accuracy of proteolysis description | Precise determination of the demasking rate constants requires the use of new analytical methods |
The equations describing the release of peptides are relatively simple | The model does not describe the release of four-dimensional or longer peptide blocks. |
The volume of calculations is reduced | The release of minor peptide fragments is not predicted |