Overexpression of mir-305 is detrimental to healthy flies but rescues mHtt-induced phenotypes. (A) Overexpression of mir-305 decreases the longevity of Htt.Q25 expressing (control) flies, while increases that of Htt.Q120 expressing (HD) flies. (B) mir-305 overexpression decreases the eclosion rate of Htt.Q25 expressing flies, while it increases the eclosion rate of Htt.Q120 flies. The graph shows the relative eclosion of flies expressing Htt.Q120 (HD) or Htt.Q25 (control) in the presence or absence of a mir-305 transgene as percent of non-expressing siblings. (C) Overexpression of mir-305 increases the number of visible rhabdomeres per ommatidia in the eyes of HD flies. The boxes show 25%, 50%, and 75% values, whiskers represent 10% and 90% values. (D) Overexpression of mir-305 increases the climbing speed of HD flies, while decreases that of controls. Bars show average values, error bars indicate SEM. Significance levels (* p ≤ 0.05, *** p ≤ 0.001) are shown only between corresponding mir-305 overexpressing and non-overexpressing categories.