The causes of class II dysgnathy. (A,B) The class II skeletal malocclusion phenotype is characterized by mandibular retrusion (mandibular retrognathism), with (A) a diagram and (B) a lateral view of a patient with this phenotype. (C,D) The class II skeletal malocclusion phenotype is characterized by a maxillary protrusion (maxillary prognathism), with (C) a diagram and (D) a lateral view of a patient with this phenotype. (E,F) The class II skeletal malocclusion phenotype is characterized by a combination of maxillary protrusion (maxillary prognathism) and mandibular retrotrusion (mandibular retrognathism), with (E) a diagram and (F) a lateral view of a patient with this phenotype. The arrows show if there is a mandibular retrognathism or/and maxillary prognathism.