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. 2023 Aug 4;15(15):3454. doi: 10.3390/nu15153454
6-OHDA  6-hydroxydopamine
ABC  ATP-binding cassette
AD  Alzheimer’s disease
ADHD  attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
AlCl3  aluminium chloride
ALM  amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
α-M  α-mangostin
APP  amyloid precursor protein
APP/PS1  double transgenic mice expressing a chimeric mouse/human amyloid precursor protein and a mutant human presenilin 1
AUC  the area under the plasma concentration time curve
AVLT  auditory verbal learning test
AWR  abdominal withdrawal reflex
BAX  Bcl-2-associated X protein
BBB  blood-brain barrier
BCRP  breast cancer resistance protein
BCL2  B-cell lymphoma 2
BDNF  brain-derived neurotrophic factor
bEnd.3  brain endothelium cell line, cells isolated from brain tissue derived from a mouse with endothelioma
BMI  body mass index
CA  caffeic acid
CANTAB  the Cambridge neuropsychological test automated battery
CAT  catalase
CACS  chronic acute combining stress
CF  cocoa flavanol
CNS  central nervous system
CREB  cAMP response element-binding protein
CSF  cerebrospinal fluid
C-SLNs  curcumin-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles
DND  delayed neuronal cell death
EGCG  epigallocatechin-3-gallate
ERK ½  extracellular signal-regulated kinase ½
ETC  electron-transported chain
FDA  the Food and Drug Administration
GMO  glyceryl monooleate
GPX1  glutathione peroxidase 1
3GRES  3-O-glucuronidated-resveratrol
4GRES  4-O-glucuronidated-resveratrol
GSH  glutathione
HD  Huntington’s disease
HPLC-MS2  High-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
5-HT  5-hydroxytryptamine
6-OHDA  6-hydroxydopamine
IBS  irritable bowel syndrome
ITM  intestinal tract motility
JNK  c-Jun N-terminal kinase
LPS  lipopolysaccharide
LSP  lychee seed polyphenols
MANT  modified attention network task
MAO  monoamine oxidase
MCAO  middle cerebral artery occlusion
MCP-1  monocyte chemoattractant protein-1
MMSE  mini-mental state examination
MRP2  multidrug-resistant protein type 2
MWM  Moris water maze
NADPH  nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
NanoCurc  nanoparticle-encapsulated curcumin
NFkB  nuclear factor kappa-light chain enhancer of activated B cells
NSC  neural stem cells
NO  nitric oxide
OX26  antitransferrin receptor antibody
PACA  poly (alkyl cyanoacrylate)
PAL  paired associate learning
PD  Parkinson’s disease
PEGB  polyphenol-rich grape and blueberry extract
PGA  poly (glycolic acid)
P-gp  P-glycoprotein
PLA  poly (lactic acid)
PLGA  poly (D, L-lactide-co-glycolic acid)
PLGA@QT  PLGA-functionalized quercetin nanoparticles
PSA  polysaccharide A
QNPs  quercetin nanoparticles
QT-SPIONs  quercetin-conjugated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles
RAWM  radial arm water maze
RCTs  randomized control trials
ROS  reactive oxygen species
SCFA  short-chain fatty acids
SH-SY5Y  a thrice-subcloned cell line derived from the SK-N-SH neuroblastoma cell line. It serves as a model for neurodegenerative disorders
SIRT1  Sirtuin 1
SK-N-SH  neuroblastoma cell line
SLNs  solid lipid nanoparticles
SOD1  superoxide dismutase 1
SRES  3-sulfated-resveratrol
Tet-1  ten-eleven translocation methylcytosine dioxygenase 1
Tf(α-M)  α-M liposomes modified with transferrin
TfR  transferrin receptor
TLR4/NFkB  toll-like receptor 4/nuclear factor kappa B
TNF-alpha  tumor necrosis factor–alpha
TOWRE-2  Test of Word Reading Efficiency—second edition
WBB  flavonoid rich wild blueberry