Figure 1.
Heat Maps of Dominance Analysis Results. This figure demonstrates a combination of the results from multiple regression paired with dominance analysis. Regarding the multiple regression results, each row showcases the semi partial correlations between each distraction type (x-axis: EXT, External Distraction; MW, Mind-Wandering; UIT, Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts) and individual ADHD symptoms as indicated by the ASRS (Prolific and University Samples) and SCID [Clinically Evaluated Sample (y-axis)]. The more sharply shaded in red the cell is, the more variance that distraction type is explaining for the corresponding ADHD symptom. An asterisk is placed on the cell of the distraction type if that distraction type provided a significant explanation of variance in the multiple regression and completely dominated the other two types of distraction at least 70% of the time when bootstrapped at 1,000 iterations.