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. 2023 Jul 7;129(4):706–720. doi: 10.1038/s41416-023-02310-1

Table 1.

Participant demographics and baseline U-TXM data. Panel A: participant characteristics and panel B: U-TXM at trial registration cohort.

Breast Colorectal Gastro-oesophageal Prostate All
Number of participants 260 192 53 211 716
 Male 1, <1% 104, 54% 40, 75% 211, 100% 356, 50%
 Female 259, >99% 88, 46% 13, 25% 0, 0% 360, 50%
Age at registration (years)
 Median (IQR) 53 (47–62) 61 (52–69) 63 (58–69) 67 (62–72) 61 (52–68)
 Range 25–80 21–81 43–79 48–83 21–83
 Under 50 years 88, 34% 34, 18% 6, 11% 1, <1% 129, 18%
 50–59 years 94, 36% 53, 28% 13, 25% 32, 15% 192, 27%
 60–69 years 58, 22% 59, 31% 21, 40% 108, 51% 246, 34%
 70 years or older 20, 8% 46, 24% 13, 25% 70, 33% 149, 21%
 Median (Q1–Q3) 27 (24–32) 27 (24–31) 25 (23–29) 28 (25–31) 27 (24–31)
 Range 18–45 19–47 16–33 20–45 16–47
 Missing 21 13 7 11 52
 Under 25 79, 30% 58, 30% 22, 42% 44, 21% 203, 28%
 25–29.9 80, 31% 71, 37% 17, 32% 97, 46% 265, 37%
 30–34.9 42, 16% 34, 18% 7, 13% 41, 19% 124, 17%
 35 or more 38, 15% 16, 8% 0, 0% 18, 9% 72, 10%
 Missing 21, 8% 13, 7% 7, 13% 11, 5% 52, 7%
Smoking status
 Never 154, 59% 93, 48% 19, 36% 109, 52% 375, 52%
 Ex-smoker 94, 36% 88, 46% 30, 57% 91, 43% 303, 42%
 Current smoker 12, 5% 11, 6% 4, 8% 11, 5% 38, 5%
 No 232, 89% 165, 86% 44, 83% 189, 90% 630, 88%
 Yes 5, 2% 16, 8% 6, 11% 11, 5% 38, 5%
 Missing 23, 9% 11, 6% 3, 6% 11, 5% 48, 7%
Receiving BP treatment
 No 200, 77% 135, 70% 33, 62% 124, 59% 492, 69%
 Yes 38, 15% 44, 23% 17, 32% 74, 35% 173, 24%
 Missing 22, 8% 13, 7% 3, 6% 13, 6% 51, 7%
Statins taken within the last week
 No 236, 91% 148, 77% 38, 72% 144, 68% 566, 79%
 Yes 11, 4% 33, 17% 13, 25% 54, 26% 111, 16%
 Missing 13, 5% 11, 6% 2, 4% 13, 6% 39, 5%
Neutrophils (109/L)
 <5.0 227, 87% 159, 83% 43, 81% 172, 82% 601, 84%
 ≥5.0 20, 8% 25, 13% 8, 15% 29, 14% 82, 11%
 Missing 13, 5% 8, 4% 2, 4% 10, 5% 33, 5%
Total WCC (109/L)
 <8.0 237, 91% 162, 84% 42, 79% 184, 87% 625, 87%
 ≥8.0 9, 3% 22, 11% 9, 17% 16, 8% 56, 8%
 Missing 14, 5% 8, 4% 2, 4% 11, 5% 35, 5%
Platelet count (109/L)
 <350 230, 88% 173, 90% 44, 83% 196, 93% 643, 90%
 ≥350 13, 5% 12, 6% 7, 13% 5, 2% 37, 5%
 Missing 17, 7% 7, 4% 2, 4% 10, 5% 36, 5%
Raised LDL, total cholesterol or non-HDLa
 No 70, 27% 81, 42% 31, 58% 88, 42% 270, 38%
 Yes 154, 59% 92, 48% 18, 34% 98, 46% 362, 51%
 Missing 36, 14% 19, 10% 4, 8% 25, 12% 84, 12%
CRP result (categorised)
 ≤5 208, 80% 145, 76% 41, 77% 168, 80% 562, 78%
 >5 28, 11% 30, 16% 8, 15% 23, 11% 89, 12%
 Missing 24, 9% 17, 9% 4, 8% 20, 9% 65, 9%
Higher-risk diseaseb
 No 183, 70% 78, 41% 10, 19% 71, 34% 342, 48%
 Yes 66, 25% 111, 58% 42, 79% 137, 65% 356, 50%
 Missing 11, 4% 3, 2% 1, 2% 3, 1% 18, 3%
Primary treatment details
 Surgery, no adjuvant chemo 84, 32% 44, 23% 10, 19% 112, 53% 250, 35%
 Surgery with adjuvant chemo 166, 64% 145, 76% 39, 74% 0, 0% 350, 49%
 Radical RT or CRT 0, 0% 0, 0% 3, 6% 97, 46% 100, 14%
 Missing details (surgery pts) 10, 4% 3, 2% 1, 2% 2, <1% 16, 2%
Weeks between surgery and registration (n = 616)c
 6–12 weeks 12, 5% 42, 22% 9, 17% 90, 43% 153, 21%
 >12 weeks 233, 90% 143, 74% 40, 75% 20, 9% 436, 61%
 Missing 15, 6% 7, 4% 1, 2% 4, 2% 27, 4%
Timing of entry relative to adjuvant chemotherapy (n = 366)
 After chemo has finished 166, 64% 129, 67% 38, 72% 0, 0% 333, 47%
 While chemo is ongoing 0, 0% 16, 8% 1, 2% 0, 0% 17, 2%
 Missing 10, 4% 3, 2% 1, 2% 2, <1% 16, 2%
Baseline characteristic n Median (Q1, Q3) [Range]
Tumour type
 Breast 260 782 (503, 1178) [114, 5999]
 Colorectal 192 1060 (667, 1558) [159, 5159]
 Gastro-oesophageal 53 1675 (1150, 2365) [415, 5182]
 Prostate 211 826 (555, 1173) [98, 3866]
 Male 356 966 (636, 1431) [98, 4957]
 Female 360 839 (530, 1314) [114, 5999]
Age at registration (years)
 Under 50 years 129 778 (533, 1294) [141, 4383]
 50–59 years 192 911 (572, 1342) [114, 5999]
 60–69 years 246 867 (565, 1315) [98, 4957]
 70 years or older 149 1001 (652, 1509) [112, 5182]
 BMI < 25 203 904 (590, 1385) [103, 4957]
 BMI 25–29.9 265 886 (609, 1337) [112, 5182]
 BMI 30–34.9 124 813 (528, 1352) [98, 3526]
 BMI > 35 72 1011 (640, 1543) [225, 5999]
Smoking status
 Never 375 834 (526, 1248) [103, 5999]
 Ex-smoker 303 976 (602, 1477) [98, 5182]
 Current smoker 38 1379 (750, 2182) [466, 4957]
 Not diabetic 630 894 (575, 1361) [112, 5182]
 Diabetic 38 986 (745, 1531) [98, 5999]
Receiving BP treatment
 No BP treatment 492 909 (591, 1347) [103, 5999]
 On BP treatment 173 851 (569, 1387) [98, 4714]
Statin use in last week
 No statins 566 908 (597, 1366) [103, 5182]
 Statin use (within last week) 111 859 (500, 1379) [98, 5999]
Neutrophils (109/L)
 Neutrophils <5.0 × 109/L 601 879 (559, 1330) [98, 5159]
 Neutrophils ≥5.0 × 109/L 82 1134 (735, 1761) [239, 5999]
Total WCC (109/L)
 Total WCC < 8.0 × 109/L 625 886 (566, 1330) [98, 5159]
 Total WCC ≥ 8.0 × 109/L 56 1212 (817, 2089) [426, 5999]
Platelet count (109/L)
 Platelet count <350 × 109/L 643 887 (569, 1343) [98, 5999]
 Platelet count ≥350 × 109/L 37 1244 (834, 1777) [185, 4957]
Raised LDL, total cholesterol or non-HDL
 Normal cholesterol 270 920 (584, 1403) [98, 5999]
 Raised LDL, total cholesterol or non-HDLa 362 898 (568, 1342) [114, 5182]
CRP result (categorised)
 CRP ≤ 5 562 875 (573, 1354) [98, 5999]
 CRP > 5 89 1079 (690, 1755) [159, 5182]
Higher-risk disease
 Lower-risk disease 342 842 (531, 1342) [114, 4957]
 Higher-risk diseaseb 356 968 (650, 1400) [98, 5999]
Primary treatment details
 Surgery, no adjuvant chemo 250 828 (525, 1194) [103, 4957]
 Surgery with adjuvant chemo 350 1021 (653, 1558) [114, 5999]
 Radical RT or CRT 100 824 (543, 1183) [98, 2948]
Time between surgery and registration
 <12 weeks since surgery 153 904 (597, 1231) [103, 4957]
 ≥12 weeks since surgery 436 934 (599, 1484) [114, 5999]
Timing of entry relative to adjuvant chemotherapy
 Surgery without adjuvant chemo 250 828 (525, 1194) [103, 4957]
 Surgery and adj chemo—completed 333 986 (613, 1531) [114, 5999]
 Surgery and adj chemo—ongoing 17 1465 (1283, 1678) [749, 2769]
 All patients 716 898 (572, 1366) [98, 5999]

(B) U-TXM at registration according to baseline factors.

aLDL > 3, total cholesterol>5 or non-HDL > 4 defined as elevated; note that participants with at least one of LDL, HDL and total cholesterol measured and in the normal range (and no raised measurements) are included in the normal group even if other measurements are missing.

bHigh-risk disease defined as breast Stage III; colorectal Stage III or IV; gastro-oesophageal Stage IIB or III; prostate high risk according to D’Amico classification.

cParticipants could not register for the trial until at least 6 weeks post-surgery.

Neutrophil, platelet and total white cell categories based on upper quartile and above.