Listing 1. Nonparametric comparison code. |
#to import data [66]. install.packages(“readxl”) library(readxl) Z <- read_excel(“dir/data.xlsx”,col_names = TRUE) #to name factors; sterile, infill, Treatment. Z$sterile <- as.factor(Z$sterile) Z$sterile =factor(Z$sterile,labels= c(“control”,”sterile”)) #assumption 1. Correlation among variables [67]. > corz <- cor(Z, y=NULL, method = “pearson”) round(cor2z,2) #assumption 2. Variables must be continuous. #assumption 3. Non-parametric data. To group treatments. Group1 <- subset(Z,Tr==“Control-Infill-30%”) … Group9 <- subset(Z,Tr==“Sterile-infill-90%”) #variable Lt Behavior in group 1. qqnorm(Group1$Lt) qqline(Group1$Lt) #assumption 4. Homogeneous variance among groups [68]. install.packages(“car”) library(car) #Variance among treatments related to Lt variable [69]. leveneTest(Z$Lt ~ Z$Tr, Z = Z) install.packages(“FSA”) library(FSA) #Kruskal-Wallis’ test and Dunn’s Test for Lt Vector variable respect to treatments column Tr. Lt <- c(Z$Lt) kruskal.test(Lt,Z$Tr) dunnTest(Lt,Z$Tr,method=“bonferroni”) |