Fig. 4.
Misregulated H3K9me3 regions are enriched in transposable elements with potential roles in immune system modulation. a Ratio of observed over expected overlaps of TEs with top 10% significantly misregulated H3K9me3 regions with ΔHAZ (birth:1yr) score. Positive values indicate overlaps higher than expected. The color shows the total overlap size in base-pairs for a given TE class. b Top 20 GO:BP terms, as displayed by GREAT, associated with ERVs within the top 10% significantly affected H3K9me3 regions. Plotted are negative log10 FDR-corrected p-values (padj). Padj values < 0.05 were considered significant. c Comparison of gene targets shared between enhancers with increased H3K27ac values at 18-weeks in stunting [36] and ERVs within the top 10% significant regions with increased H3K9me3 levels as illustrated in the top part of the panel. d Shared target genes between H3K27ac and ERVs from c. No significant functional enrichment was identified