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. 2023 Aug 7;55:7130. doi: 10.2340/jrm.v55.7130

Table IV.

Effect of semi-implanted selective functional electrical stimulation (SIS-FES) on kinematics during comfortable walking

Variable Session Orthotic effect Training effect Therapeutic effect Combined effect
Speed M3 M3 and M6 pooled: n/a ns ns
M6 +0.07 m/s, p = 2E–5; between-group, ns ns ns +0.10 m/s, p = 0.03; between-group, ns
Cadence M3 M3 and M6 pooled: n/a ns +0.08 step/s, p = 0.02; between-group, ns
M6 +0.06 step/s, p = 1E–4; between-group, ns ns ns +0.09 step/s, p = 6E–3; between-group, ns
Paretic step length M3 M3 and M6 pooled: n/a ns ns
M6 +0.03 m, p = 4E–4; between-group, ns ns ns ns
Non paretic step length M3 M3 and M6 pooled: n/a ns ns
M6 +0.03 m, p = 7E–3; between-group, ns ns ns ns
 Maximal dorsiflexion M3 M3 and M6 pooled: n/a ns +6°, p = 1E–5; between-group, ns
M6 +6°, p = 2E–6; between-group, ns ns ns +5°, p = 2E–4; between-group, ns
 Maximal varus M3 M3 and M6 pooled: n/a ns ns
M6 –5°, p = 6E–5; between-group, ns ns ns –3°, p = 0.04; between-group, ns
Mean dorsiflexion speed M3 M3 and M6 pooled: n/a ns ns
M6 SIS-FES, ns; AFO, –7°/s, p = 0.02; intergroup, p = 0.04 ns ns ns
 Maximal flexion M3 M3 and M6 pooled: n/a +2°, p = 0.03; between-group, ns ns
M6 –2°, p = 7E–3; between-group, ns ns +2°, p = 0.03; between-group, ns ns
 Mean flexion speed M3 ns n/a ns ns
M6 ns ns ns +11°/s, p = 0.04; between-group, ns
 Maximal flexion M3 ns n/a ns ns
M6 ns ns ns ns
 Mean flexion speed M3 ns n/a ns ns
M6 ns ns ns Ns

AFO: ankle foot orthosis; n/a: non-applicable; ns: non-significant. The results expressed the mean difference between OFF and ON conditions. p-value is extracted from post-hoc comparison using Bonferroni corrections. In the case of non-significant intergroup comparison; the result is expressed for AFO and SIS-FES pooled.