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. 2023 Aug 14;25:95. doi: 10.1186/s13058-023-01693-6

Table 1.

Circulating levels of biomarkers of interest according to case–control status among postmenopausal females, the Multiethnic Cohort

Biomarkers of interest Matched pairs Controls Breast cancer cases
N Mean SD Min Max Mean SD Min Max
27HC (ng/mL) 1470 83.89 22.45 33.08 261.9 82.63 21.58 0.57 200.46
HDL-C (mg/dL) 1466 51.96 19.04 1.00 146 44.49 17.17 2.64 131.05
LDL-C (mg/dL) 1455 131.96 39.25 25.20 346.4 135.31 37.95 25.00 307.20
Triglycerides (mg/dL) 1466 120.46 73.27 20.00 1000 118.84 79.41 21.00 995.00
Total cholesterol (mg/dL) 1466 207.69 41.68 49.70 500 203.58 38.79 77.00 438.14
Steroid hormonesb
Estrone (pg/mL) 1469 563.16 1472.85 2.50 27,713 633.25 1477.97 2.50 19,708.89
Testosterone (pg/mL) 1469 129.78 171.65 5.00 5300.3 150.19 240.96 5.00 8056.94
SHBG (nM) 1470 77.13 53.51 6.36 404 68.23 51.01 6.00 404.00

aLipid assays were conducted as part of a previous study, so not all cases had lipid assay measurements available (4 of 1470 matched pairs missing). An additional 11 matched pairs are missing for LDL-C, because LDL-C levels are derived from fasting triglyceride levels and samples with fasting triglyceride levels over 400 mg/dl were excluded from this derivation procedure

bOne sample missing from steroid hormone assays

27HC 27-hydroxy cholesterol, HDL-C high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, LDL-C low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (calculated), SHBG sex hormone binding globulin, SD standard deviation