Table 1.
New Zealand’s four-level COVID-19 alert system.
NZ COVID-19 alert levels | Work/businesses | Public transport |
Social gatherings | Public venues/educational facilities | Travel |
Level 4 – Eliminate Virus is not contained in community |
Essential services only, that is health, borders, supermarkets | Severely limited to essential workers only and maximum number of patrons | All social gatherings banned | All public venues and educational facilities closed. Distance/online learning only | Only essential personal movement and doing essential work |
Level 3 – Restrict Heightened risk that virus is not contained |
Businesses can open, with contactless precautions | Severely limited with physical distancing and maximum number of patrons | Gatherings of up to 10 allowed only for weddings, funerals and tangihanga (Ma-ori funeral) | Early learning centres for essential workers children, open with a maximum of 10 per ‘bubble’. Distance/online learning available | Limited to your local area only |
Level 2 – Reduce Disease is contained, but risks of community transmission growing |
Businesses open with physical distancing precautions and maximum number of patrons | Limited with physical distancing | Gatherings of up to 100 in indoor and outdoor spaces allowed | All learning services open with public health control measures | Travel across boundaries permitted with safety measures |
Level 1 – Prepare Disease is contained |
No restrictions | No restrictions | No restrictions | No restrictions | No restrictions |
NZ, New Zealand.