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. 2023 Mar 14;77(3):338–345. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciad144

Table 1.

Characteristics of Patients Admitted to Hospitals in England With Opioid Injection–associated Bacterial Infections, 2002–2021

Variable Level Number (%)
Total 92 303 (100.0)
Age 15–24 4898 (5.3)
25–34 32 382 (35.1)
35–44 38 511 (41.7)
45–54 14 234 (15.4)
55–64 2278 (2.5)
Median [IQR] 37 [31–42]
Mean [SD] 37.0 [8.2]
Sex Female 25 944 (28.1)
Male 66 359 (71.9)
Ethnicitya White British or White Other 85 809 (93.0)
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British 853 (0.9)
Asian/Asian British 703 (0.8)
Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups 899 (1.0)
Other ethnicity or unknown 4039 (4.4)
Index of Multiple Deprivationa 1—most deprived 52 657 (57.0)
2 20 403 (22.1)
4 10 024 (10.9)
3 5325 (5.8)
5—least deprived 2746 (3.0)
Missing 1148 (1.2)
Record of homelessness 7602 (8.2)
Discharge method With clinical advice 73 598 (79.7)
Before medically advised 14 899 (16.1)
Died 732 (0.8)
Other 3074 (3.3)
Duration (d) Median [IQR] 3 [1–5]
Mean [SD] 4.8 [6.9]
28-d readmission 17 366 (18.8)
Operative procedure 31 283 (33.9)
Primary diagnosis Cutaneous abscess 29 634 (32.1)
Cellulitis 20 046 (21.7)
Other skin and soft-tissue infections 8377 (9.1)
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis 21 833 (23.7)
Endocarditis 2152 (2.3)
Septicemia 6087 (6.6)
Osteomyelitis or septic arthritis 3905 (4.2)
Necrotizing fasciitis 269 (0.3)

Abbreviations: IQR = interquartile range; SD = standard deviation.

Where ethnicity or Index of Multiple Deprivation data were missing, we used the most recent nonmissing value from other hospital admissions for that individual. Ethnicity categories are based on the UK Office for National Statistics approach.