Fig. 6. Increased uptake in Tlr4−/− macrophages is dependent on FcγRs, SYK, PI3K, ERK1/2 and p38, but not JNK.
Tlr4−/− macrophages were pre-treated with inhibitors of a FcγRs (n = 3 per condition), b SYK and PI3K (control, n = 6; treatment, n = 3), and c Mitogen Activate Protein Kinases (MAPKs) (n = 3 per condition) for 1 h, then infected with non-opsonised C. neoformans. The number of internalised fungi per 100 macrophages was quantified from images from a fluorescence microscope. Figures are representative of three independent experiments. Data shown as mean ± SEM; a one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post-hoc test was performed to evaluate statistical significance. P-values are shown above each graph. d Wildtype and Tlr4−/− iBMDMs were exposed to MAPK inhibitors for 24 h, then cell surface expression of MSR1 was detected with using anti-mouse CD204-PE antibody. PE-labelled rat IgG2a κ was used as an isotype control. Receptor expression was measured using flow cytometry and analysed using the FlowJo software. Data is representative of two independent experiments. Percentages refer to the percentage of MSR1-positive cells. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.