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. 2023 Aug 15;25:97. doi: 10.1186/s13058-023-01692-7

Table 1.

Characteristics of women volunteers who donated normal breast tissue to the US-based Susan G. Komen Tissue Bank that were included in the current study (N = 4108)

Characteristic Overall, N (%)
Age, years
 < 30 819 (20.0)
30–39 822 (20.0)
40–49 909 (22.1)
50–59 913 (22.2)
60–75 645 (15.7)
Non-Hispanic White 2953 (71.9)
Non-Hispanic Black/African American 756 (18.4)
Asian/other 381 (9.3)
High school/GED or less 687 (16.7)
Vocation/tech school or associates degree 694 (16.9)
College degree 1331 (32.4)
Graduate/professional degree 1037 (25.2)
Other 338 (8.2)
Never 2780 (67.7)
Former 842 (20.5)
Current 137 (3.3)
Currently drink alcohol
No 1372 (33.4)
Yes 2699 (65.7)
Alcoholic drinks per week
 < 1 284 (6.9)
1–6 1976 (48.1)
 ≥ 7 252 (6.1)
Body mass index, kg/m2
 < 25 1294 (31.5)
25–29 1102 (26.8)
 ≥ 30 1708 (41.6)
Age at menarche, years
 ≤ 12 2180 (53.1)
13 1098 (26.7)
 ≥ 14 826 (20.1)
Current hormonal birth control usea
No 2255 (83.6)
Yes 441 (16.4)
Nulligravid 1258 (30.6)
Gravid 2849 (69.4)
Number of live births
0 197 (6.9)
1 582 (20.4)
2 1184 (41.6)
 ≥ 3 719 (25.2)
Age at first full-term birth, years
 < 25 645 (22.6)
25–29 428 (15.0)
 ≥ 30 356 (12.5)
Never 810 (28.4)
Ever 1818 (63.8)
Duration of breastfeeding, months
Never 810 (28.4)
 < 12 971 (34.1)
 ≥ 12– < 24 484 (17.0)
 ≥ 24 359 (12.6)
Bilateral oophorectomyb
No 752 (53.2)
Yes 295 (20.9)
Menopausal status
Premenopausal 2696 (65.6)
Postmenopausal 1412 (34.4)
Menopausal hormone therapy usec
Nonuser 779 (55.2)
Current user 217 (15.4)
Former user 115 (8.1)
Type of current menopausal hormone therapy
Estrogen only 79 (36.4)
Progesterone only 0 (0.0)
Combined estrogen and progesterone 87 (40.1)
Type of former menopausal hormone therapy
Estrogen only 54 (46.9)
Progesterone only 0 (0.0)
Combined estrogen and progesterone 38 (33.0)
Family history of breast cancer
Negative 3006 (73.2)
Positive 8.7 (20.4)

Asian/Other category comprised women who self-identified as Asian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, “Other” Asian, Asian/Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, etc. Pregnant: Gravid = women who had previously been pregnant, irrespective of the outcome; nulligravid = women who had never been pregnant. Number of Live Births (0 = previous pregnancies did not result in a live birth). Percentages shown might not total to 100 due to missingness

aCurrent hormonal birth control use among pre-menopausal women. bFrequency of bilateral oophorectomy among postmenopausal women. cFrequency of menopausal hormone therapy use among postmenopausal women