Table 1.
Summary of included studies.
Authors | Country | Methods | Setting a | Participants |
Annemans, 2022 47 | Belgium | Focus groups | Inpatient rehabilitation | N = 6, nurses and therapists |
Boltz, 2011 71 | United States | Focus groups | Various wards | N = 55, nurses and patient care associates |
Bor, 2022 48 | Netherlands | Semi-structured interviews | Medical oncology, haematology, cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery | N = 16, nurses, physical therapists and unit managers |
Brown, 2007 49 | United States | Semi-structured interviews | Medical ward | N = 19, nurses and physicians |
Chan, 2019 72 | Singapore | Focus groups | General hospital | N = 30, registered and enrolled nurses |
De Klein, 2021 50 | Netherlands | Semi-structured interviews | Geriatrics and gastroenterology wards | N = 9, physiotherapists, nurses and doctors |
Doherty-King, 2011 73 | United States | Semi-structured interviews | Adult medical and surgical wards | N = 25, registered nurses |
Doherty-King, 2013 74 | United States | Semi-structured interviews | Adult medical or surgical wards | N = 25, registered nurses |
Frederiksen, 2022 51 | Denmark | Focus groups | Geriatric and infectious and pulmonary medical diseases departments in a Danish hospital | N = 8, nurse assistants, nurses, physical therapists and occupational therapists |
Geelen, 2021 52 | Netherlands | Semi-structured interviews and focus groups | Gastrointestinal, oncology surgery, internal medicine haematology, infectious diseases and cardiology wards | N = 30, nurses, nursing assistants, physician assistant and physicians |
Geidl, 2019 53 | Germany | Focus groups | Various facilities | N = 58, department heads with a background in physiotherapy, exercise therapy/sports science or other |
Gustafson, 2021 54 | United Kingdom | Focus group | General hospital | N = 4, physiotherapists and nurses |
Hazra, 2023 55 | Canada | Online survey with qualitative component | Hospitals and healthcare centres | N = 338, physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and healthcare aides |
Hills, 2021 75 | Australia | Individual interviews | Inpatient subacute wards | N = 11, ward nurses and nurse leaders |
Janssen, 2022 56 | Australia | Semi-structured interviews | Rehabilitation units (two mixed caseload, one neurological rehabilitation, one comprehensive stroke unit) | N = 22, nurses, nursing unit managers, rehabilitation physicians, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers and speech pathologists |
Jasper, 2023 57 | Australia | Focus group | Subacute geriatric ward and acute orthopaedic ward at a general hospital | N = 7, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, doctor, nurse and social worker |
Johnson, 2019 58 | United States | Semi-structured interviews | General medicine ward | N = 8, physicians, mobility technician and nurses |
King, 2016 76 | United States | Focus groups, one semi-structured interview | General medicine ward | N = 15, registered nurses and certified nursing assistants |
Kirk, 2019 59 | Denmark | Go-along interviews during observation | Endocrinology, infectious diseases, and emergency departments | N = 79, nursing assistants, registered nurses, physiotherapists and physicians |
Klooster, 2022 69 | The Netherlands | Semi-structured interviews | Cardiothoracic surgery, cardiology, pulmonary diseases, orthopaedics and traumatology, neurosurgery, abdominal surgery, urology, obstetrics and gynaecology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, cardiac care unit, and medical oncology wards | N = 15, physicians, physiotherapists, nurses and nurse assistants |
Kneafsey, 2015 77 | United Kingdom | Semi-structured interviews | General rehabilitation ward, spinal unit and stroke rehabilitation ward | N = 33, care support workers, registered nurses and ward sisters |
Kneafsey, 2013 60 | United Kingdom | Semi-structured interviews | General rehabilitation ward, spinal unit and stroke rehabilitation ward | N = 39, registered nurses, ward sisters, care support workers, therapy assistants, occupational therapists and physiotherapists |
Koenders, 2020 31 | Netherlands | Semi-structured interviews | Cardiology and orthopaedics/trauma wards | N = 24, physical therapists, nurse assistants, nurses, physicians and physicians assistants |
Lim, 2020a 78 | Singapore | Semi-structured interviews | General medical ward | N = 10, senior enrolled nurses, senior staff nurses, acting nurse clinician and nurse managers |
Lim, 2020b 61 | United Kingdom | Focus groups | Acute medical wards for older people | N = 13, therapists (unspecified) and nurses |
Lowe, 2018 79 | United Kingdom | Semi-structured interviews | General secondary care | N = 12, physiotherapists |
Moore, 2014 62 | Canada | Focus groups | General hospital wards | N = 261, nurses, nurse practitioners, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, physicians, managers, other allied healthcare staff, and other unit staff such as personal support workers and ward clerks |
Myers, 2021 63 | United Kingdom | Semi-structured interviews | Renal unit and complex medical unit | N = 8, sports and exercise medicine consultants and other healthcare professionals (unspecified) |
Ohlsson-Nevo, 2020 80 | Sweden | Focus groups | Medical and surgical wards in three hospitals | N = 29, registered nurses and certified nursing assistants |
Osinaike, 2021 81 | United Kingdom | Semi-structured interviews | Various; participants had spent at least 1 year in rotational foundation training. | N = 11, junior doctors |
Pavon, 2021 64 | United States | Semi-structured interviews and focus groups | General medicine ward | N = 48, medical residents, nurses, certified nursing assistants, physical therapists and occupational therapists |
Pedersen, 2020 82 | Denmark | Semi-structured interviews | Medical wards | N = 12, physicians |
Pham, 2016 83 | Vietnam | Semi-structured interviews | Geriatrics, endocrinology, nephrology and urology departments | N = 25, nurses |
Rasmussen, 2020 65 | Denmark | Focus groups | General hospital | N = 11, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social and healthcare assistants, home-care workers and nurses |
Scheerman, 2020 84 | The Netherlands | Semi-structured interviews | Internal medicine; traumatology; oncological surgery; and a combined ward of vascular surgery, nephrology and urology wards. | N = 51, nurses |
van Dijk-Huisman, 2022 70 | The Netherlands | Semi-structured interviews | Combined university/tertiary internal medicine hospital wards | N = 16, nurses, physicians and physiotherapists |
Williams, 2018 85 | United Kingdom/Ireland | Semi-structured interviews | Regional spinal cord injury centres | N = 18, physiotherapists |
Wray, 2021 68 | United Kingdom | Focus groups | Geriatrics and combined orthogeriatric wards | N = 12, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, healthcare assistants and technical instructors |
Wshah, 2021 66 | Canada | Semi-structured interviews | Pulmonary rehabilitation | N = 16, doctors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nurses and respiratory therapists |
Zisberg, 2018 67 | Israel | Interviews and Focus Groups | Internal Medicine Wards | Unclear Total Sample Size, N = 116 Medical Professions However Multiphase Approach, Unclear Sample Size Of Qualitative Component. |
Data only extracted when relevant to the settings meeting the eligibility criteria of this review.