GSEA of the PBP signature-correlated genes. A, Bar plot shows the enriched Hallmark gene sets (FDR < 0.05) from GSEA of the KIPA-based PBP signature score-correlated genes at the protein levels. GSEA input was a ranked list of signed −log10P-values from Pearson correlation between the KIPA-based PBP signature score and all the genes measured by the global proteomics in the CPTAC-TNBC dataset. Pathways with positive NES (normalized enrichment score) were positively correlated with the KIPA-based PBP signature score, while pathways with negative NES were negatively correlated. B, Enrichment plots for INTERFERON_GAMMA_RESPONSE Hallmark pathway at the protein levels. C, Bar plot shows the enriched Hallmark gene sets (FDR < 0.05) from GSEA of the KIPA-based PBP signature score-correlated genes at the mRNA levels. GSEA input was a ranked list of signed −log10P-values from Pearson correlation between the KIPA-based PBP signature score and all the genes measured by the RNA-seq. D, Enrichment plots for INTERFERON_GAMMA_RESPONSE Hallmark pathway at the mRNA levels.