Fig 5. Phage VP882 is more virulent in QS-competent V. parahaemolyticus than in QS-deficient V. parahaemolyticus.
(A) Quantitation of viral particles collected from the indicated 882 strains carrying arabinose-inducible vqmAPhage grown in medium lacking (black bars) or containing 0.02% arabinose (white bars). Relative viral load is the amount of phage VP882-specific DNA (gp69) relative to non-phage DNA (hfq) measured by qPCR. (B) Growth of the 882 parent (cyan), 882 vqmR-vqmA882+ (green), 882 luxO+ (orange), and 882 vqmR-vqmA882+ luxO+ (red) strains carrying arabinose-inducible vqmAPhage and grown in medium lacking (diamonds) or containing (circles) 0.02% arabinose. Data are represented as means ± std with n = 3 biological replicates and n = 4 technical replicates (A), and as means ± std with n = 3 biological replicates (B).