Table 1.
List of methods for tumour phylogeny inference from scDNAseq data, with their main features
Method | SNVs | CNAs | Doublets | SNV Recurrence | SNV loss | Homozygous mutations | Est. max # cells | Est. max # loci |
∞SCITE7, 8 | Yes | No | Yes | Yesa | Yesa | No | 10,000 | 100 |
SCIΦN9, 10 | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | 100 | 1000 |
OncoNEM11 | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | 100 | 100 |
SiCloneFit12 | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | 100 | 100 |
SPhyr13 | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | No | 100 | 100 |
SCICoNE14 | No | Yes | No | – | – | – | 100 | – |
CHISEL15 | Yesb | Yes | No | – | – | – | 1000 | – |
SCARLET16 | Yes | Noc | No | No | Yesd | No | 100 | 100 |
BiTSC217 | Yes | Yese | No | No | Yes | Yes | 100 | 100 |
COMPASS | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yesf | Yesf | 10,000 | 100 |
The maximum number of cells and loci are estimates for reasonable runtimes and performance.
aHowever model selection is not automated.
bCan assign SNVs to clones after the CNA-tree is inferred by aggregating all cells assigned to each clone.
cRequires CNA tree as input, which must be obtained with another method.
dIf supported by copy-number loss; which could miss CNLOH.
eAssumes that all loci have the same coverage (in the absence of CNAs), which is not the case for targeted sequencing.
fWith copy number loss or CNLOH.