Personalized drug screening. a, c and e. Representative Ca2+ transient tracings recorded from proband, brother and mother iPSC-CMs by Ca2+ imaging using Fluo-4 AM before and after 1 μM quinidine application. b, d and f. Bar graphs to compare percentage of cells exhibiting normal (N) or abnormal Ca2+ transient pattern including low peaks (LP), multiple peaks (MP), oscillation (OS) and irregular phase (IP). Plateau abnormality (PA) and quiescent (Q) before and after quinidine application in proband, brother and mother iPSC-CMs. n = 20–31. g, i and k. Representative Ca2+ transient tracings recorded from proband, brother and mother iPSC-CMs by Ca2+ imaging using Fluo-4 AM before and after 3 μM sotalol application. h, j and l. Bar graphs to compare percentage of cells exhibiting normal (N) or abnormal Ca2+ transient pattern including low peaks (LP), multiple peaks (MP), oscillation (OS) and irregular phase (IP). Plateau abnormality (PA) and quiescent (Q) before and after sotalol application in proband, brother and mother iPSC-CMs. n = 20–33.