Table 1.
Participant Demographic Characteristics among Syringe Services Program Participants in Oregon from July-September 2021Responding to their History of COVID-19 Vaccination in July-September of 2021.
Variable | Valid n | M (SD) or % |
Age | 260 | 43.0 (12.8) |
Gender Non-binary Woman Man OtherPrefer not to answer |
260 | 33 64 12 |
Transgender | 260 | <1 |
Hispanic | 260 | 7 |
Race Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander White Indigenous Black or African American Middle Eastern/North African Asian More than one race OtherPrefer not to answer |
260 | 78 9 2 <1 1 1 43 |
Educational background Have never gone to school 5th grade or less 6th to 8th grade 9th to 12th grade High school graduate or GED completed Some college level / technical / vocational Bachelor’s degreeOther advanced degree |
259 | 1 2 14 37 36 52 |
Housing status Unhoused Temporary housing Permanent housingPrefer not to answer / Don’t know |
260 | 15 137 |
Employment status Working now Temporarily laid off, sick or maternity leave Looking for work, unemployed Retired Disabled, permanently or temporarily Student OtherPrefer not to answer / Don’t know |
260 | 3 42 5 24 1 716 |
Health insurance status NoneOregon Health Plan (Medicaid) Medicare Tricare VA Insurance PrivateDon’t know / Prefer not to answer |
260 | 78 10 1 3 16 |
Income Less than $15,000 $15,000 - $19,999 $20,000 - $24,999 $25,000 - $29,999$30,000 or more |
215 | 5 3 36 |
Received COVID-19 vaccine No YesDon’t know / Prefer not to answer |
260 | 374 |
Note. The total sample included 260 participants. Vaccine willingness scores were available for 238 participants. Among subjects with willingness scores, rates of missing data on predictor variables ranged from 0% to 16% for income.