In vivo growth inhibition by Myb34.5. In similar experiments, rat gliosarcoma 9L (A) and human U87ΔEGFR glioma (B) cells were implanted subcutaneously into the flanks of nude mice. Beginning 14 (9L) and 10 (U87) days later (day 1), vehicle or mutant viral strains were inoculated into tumors. Arrows indicate the times of viral injection (days 1, 3, 5, and 7), while values are the averages for five (9L) and six (U87ΔEGFR) mice per group. (A) Differences in tumor volumes were significant at the 12-, 18-, and 33-day time points (P < 0.05 [one-way repeated measures of variance]). (B) Differences in tumor volumes were significant at the 18-, 27-, and 34-day time point (P < 0.05 [one-way repeated measures of variance] for day 34 alone, as shown in Table 5, P < 0.005). The asterisk denotes the number of complete tumor regressions.