Extended Data Fig. 5.
Immunofluorescence antibody staining reveals intermingling of cell states in PDX tumors. a,c. Immunofluorescence staining within the central tumor mass (a) or at the invasive edge (c). Dashed lines indicate clustered cell populations. Arrows denote rare cells detected by IF staining. Scale bar= 50μm. b,d. Heterogeneity identified by single-cell RNA sequencing (left, b) and compared with immunofluorescence staining of the central tumor mass (b) or at the invasive edge (d, right). Color coding denotes that immunofluorescence was detected in tumor cells within the sections analyzed. Not detected (ND). Not applicable (NA). Evenly distributed through tumor (ED) or clustered (C) based on immunofluorescence staining. e-f. Quantitation of cell state percentages assessed by scRNA-sequencing or immunofluorescence. Error bar equals S.E.M. (n=4 image felids analyzed per condition, range 207-643 cells/field).