Population statistics split by asthma severity, and all subjects combined. Quantitative measures are presented as median [1st quartile—3rd quartile]. Whole lung mucus score presented is the sum of all segmental mucus scores. Measures are acquired after administration of four puffs of bronchodilator. All statistics were calculated using the Wilcoxon Rank Sum test with a significance threshold of p < 0.05. PP, percent predicted.
Healthy | Mild/Moderate asthmatics | Severe asthmatics | All | |
N | 4 | 13 | 21 | 38 |
Gender | 1M:3F | 5 M: 8F | 8M: 13F | 14M:24F |
Age (years) | 38.5 [26.6—52.2] | 49.5 [36.8—53.3] | 56.1 [47.1—62.6] | 51.2 [45.6—61.0] |
High Dose ICS | N/A | 3 | 21 | 24 |
Daily OCS Dependent (Dose) | N/A | 0 | 3 (4, 7, 8 mg) | 3 |
Monoclonal Rx | N/A | 1 | 4 | 5 |
BMI | 25.4 ^ [24.0–27.0] | 27.7 † [24.7—29.0] | 32.4 ^† [282—34.5] | 29.0 [26.3—34.1] |
FEV1 PP | 111 ^ [106—166] | 87.8† [83.0—94.6] | 77.8% ^† [69.1—97.7] | 86.5% [75.4—105] |
FVC PP | 109 ^ [101—118] | 101 † [86.6—109] | 86.7 ^† [82.9—97.2] | 93.6% [84.8—105] |
FEV1/FVC PP | 102 ^ [99.0—104] | 96.2 [89.1—99.1] | 91.1 ^ [82.3—98.5] | 96.1% [85.5—99.0] |
FEF25-75 PP | 118 *^ [113—121] | 79.5* [61.8—95.2] | 55.8 ^ [38.7—90.8] | 78.0 [51.1—105] |
VDP | 0.275% *^ [0.0750—0.629] | 2.51% *† [1.17—4.30] | 6.18% ^† [3.40—11.4] | 3.43% [2.05—6.97] |
fSAD | 0.122% [0.0554–1.55] | 0.620% [0.406—3.86] | 1.36% [0.481—5.77] | 1.19% [0.280—5.18] |
Emph | 0.0571% [0.0447—0.0816] | 0.0875% [0.0613—0.124] | 0.676% [0.0409—0.154] | 0.0673% [0.0472—0.135] |
Whole lung Mucus Score | 0.0 [0.0—0.0] | 0.0 [0.0—0.25] | 0.0 [0.0—4.0] | 0.0 [0.0—1.6] |
*Significantly different between Healthy and Mild/Moderate Asthmatics.
^Significantly different between Healthy and Severe Asthmatics.
†Significantly Different between Mild/Moderate and Severe Asthmatics.