Fig. 1.
Graphical representation of meditator survey data. a-d, Among lowest-resolution geospatial communities meeting a minimum sample size of 10, relationships between the proportion of participants from a 7-day meditation workshop having at least six months of meditation experience and their self-reported rates of COVID-19 infection (a), brain fog (b), congestion (c), and duration of illness (d). e, Relationship between the proportion of participants from a 7-day meditation workshop, grouped by geospatial area, that meditates daily and rate of anosmia. f, Among individual respondents, the relationship between meditation frequency and probability of COVID-19 infection. g-i, Among individual respondents, the relationship between meditation experience (binary; six months of experience) and COVID-19 infection (g), brain fog (h), and duration of illness (i). j-l, Among individual respondents, the relationship of multivariable predictors selected by backwards selection (Wald χ2) and COVID-19 infection (j), brain fog (k), and duration of illness (l). m, Among individual respondents, relationship between the probability of COVID-19 and vaccination status. n, Among individual respondents, the relationship of multivariable predictors and COVID-19 infection. All regression curves were plotted with LOESS (span α = 1.50).