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. 2002 May 4;324(7345):1072. doi: 10.1136/bmj.324.7345.1072

Table 2.

 Characteristics of participants at beginning of study, by treatment group. Values are numbers (percentages) unless stated otherwise

Nurse group (n=1028) Control group (n=808)
Sociodemographic characteristics
 Age (years):
 <70 354 (34.4) 256 (31.7)
 70-77 359 (34.9) 290 (35.9)
 >77 315 (30.6) 262 (32.4)
Male 588 (57.2) 456 (56.4)
 Free living 916 (89.1) 716 (88.6)
 Sheltered 47 (4.6) 41 (5.1)
 Institution 65 (6.3) 51 (6.3)
 Free living, with main carer 631 (61.4) 489 (60.5)
Manual social class 462 (44.9) 382 (47.3)
Health measures
 Years since diagnosis*:
 0-4 517 (50.3) 400 (49.5)
 5-9 211 (20.5) 183 (22.6)
 >9 247 (24.0) 187 (23.1)
Stand-up group:
 1, no problems 453 (46) 344 (42.6)
 2, without holding on 187 (18.2) 155 (19.2)
 3, unable or had to hold on 353 (34.3) 299 (37.0)
Bone fracture in past 12 months 55 (5.4) 50 (6.2)
Mean (SD) best hand score 45.6 (21.7) 45.0 (21.8)
 Levodopa 869 (84.5) 695 (86.0)
 Levodopa and anticholinergic 98 (9.5) 62 (7.7)
 Levodopa and dopamine agonist 84 (8.2) 45 (5.6)
 Levodopa (mg daily), median (quartiles)     300 (150, 550)     300 (150, 500)
Mean (SD) Euroqol score 0.43 (0.35) 0.43 (0.36)
Mean (SD) PDQ-39 summary score 37.9 (21.8) 38.2 (21.8) 

Missing data as some patients unaware of time since diagnosis. 

Missing data as some patients refused test. 

Dot in square test.