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. 2023 Aug 17;10:38. doi: 10.1186/s40779-023-00471-x

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Sequencing-based ST strategies. a LCM-seq integrates LCM and scRNA-seq to realize regional sequencing. b ZipSeq uses light activation tags for labeling, isolation, and scRNA-seq of ROIs. c Image-seq allows location-specific live cells to be harvested for sequencing by living microscope. d Stereo-seq utilizes DNA nanoballs with spatial barcodes for transcription spatial localization. e sci-Space uses spatial barcodes for imaging, labeling and transcriptome sequencing of nuclei in tissue slices. f Seq-Scope and Pixel-seq based on illumina clustering and sequence reading. g DBiT-seq utilizes microfluidic channels for orthogonal coding, and similar techniques include xDBiT, CBSST-seq and Matrix-seq. h STRS utilizes the 10 × Visium platform for total transcriptome analysis. ST spatial transcriptomic, LCM laser capture microdissection, scRNA-seq single cell RNA sequencing, ROI regions of interest, Stereo-seq spatio-temporal enhanced resolution omics-sequencing, Pixel-seq polony-indexed library-sequencing, DBiT-seq deterministic barcoding in tissue for spatial omics sequencing, CBSST-seq cross-amplified barcodes on slides for spatial transcriptomics sequencing, STRS spatial total RNA-sequencing, FACS fluorescence activated cell sorting, UMI unique molecular identifier, MID molecular identifiers, CID coordinate identity, mRNA messenger RNA, lncRNA long noncoding RNA, miRNA microRNA, snoRNA small nucleolar RNA, tRNA transfer RNA, ATP adenosine triphosphate, yPAP yeast poly(A) polymerase, xDBiT multiplexed deterministic barcoding in tissue