FIG 3.
Antimicrobial peptide and characteristics. Spiral wheels for Tsap-1 (A), Tsap-2 (B), and Tsap-3 (C). Different colors indicate different types of amino acids; hydrophobic amino acids are shown in peach, yellow, green, pink, and purple; alkaline amino acids are shown in blue; and neutral (uncharged) amino acids are shown in bluish green. The 3D model of Tsap-1 (D), Tsap-2 (E), and Tsap-3 (F). The amino acid assembly of Tsap-1 (G), Tsap-2 (H), and Tsap-3 (I) is shown. Alkaline amino acids were shown in red, hydrophobic uncharged residues were colored in yellow, and polar uncharged amino acids were marked in blue.