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. 2023 Aug 17;18(8):e0290350. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0290350

Table 2. Odds ratio for girls and women using different methods for menstrual protection.

Variables Ordinal Logit Regression Logit Regression
(1) (2) (3)
Cloth Period Products Period Products
Individual Variables
Age at Menarche
 Less than 12®
 12 to 15 years -0.0065** -0.0076** 1.04**
 15 years or older -0.0100** -0.0174** 1.11***
Education Level of Respondents
 No Education®
 Primary -0.0412*** 0.0422*** 1.25***
 Secondary -0.1772*** 0.1806*** 2.61***
 Higher -0.2635*** 0.2681*** 4.91***
 Single ®
 Married 0.0225*** -0.0228*** 0.82**
 Other 0.0786*** -0.0798*** 0.63***
Mass media Exposure
 Partial -0.0866*** 0.0880*** 1.65***
 Full -0.1173*** 0.1192*** 1.92***
Household Variables
 Wealth Index
 Poorest ®
 Middle -0.0959*** 0.0975*** 1.62***
 Richest -0.1585*** 0.1609*** 2.61***
Water and Sanitation Facility
 Hygienic -0.0297*** 0.0302*** 1.09***
Social Category
 Scheduled Caste 0.0161*** -0.0163*** 0.85***
 Scheduled Tribe 0.0584*** -0.0592*** 0.74***
 Other Backward Classes 0.0304*** -0.0309*** 0.86***
 Others 0.0788*** -0.801*** 0.58***
 Muslim 0.0419*** -0.0425*** 0.83***
 Others -0.0657*** 0.0667*** 1.21***
Place of Residence
 Rural 0.0577*** -0.0586*** 0.71***
Observations 228,796 228,796 228,796

Col (1)-(2) displays the marginal effects from the ordinal logit regression of using cloth and modern period products, respectively, as compared to nothing/others. Col (3) displays the odds ratio from the binary logit regression from using the period products as compared to those using unhygienic ways of managing menstrual needs, including clothes, nothing, and others (Anand et al., 2015). ® denotes the reference category.