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. 2023 Aug 3;17:1235047. doi: 10.3389/fnana.2023.1235047



Representative confocal laser scanning images demonstrating non-colocalization of CR and Casp3 immunoreactive neurons in the core of nucleus accumbens (NAc) and in the retrosplenial cortex (RSC) of P7 control mouse. (A,C) Overview images, (B,D): high magnification quasi-3D reconstruction (lower panels) and Z stack (upper panel) images rendered with the help of Imaris image analysis software. A high degree of spatial overlap is evident between the two labels in the NAc core (A). Casp3 + and CR + perikarya appear spatially more separated in the RSC, the former being mainly in lamina 2 of cortex, and the latter in lamina 1, or in deeper infragranular layers (C). However, such separation of perikarya does not preclude an overlap of neuronal processes. As apparent from the 3-D and Z stack images (B,D), the two labels are predominantly present in separate, non-overlapping neuronal elements. Scale bars: 50 μm (A,C), 30 μm (B,D). LV, lateral ventricle; Approximate position of cortical layers is marked by Roman numerals I-IV.