Prediction of in vivo single-cell TCDD dose-response across cell types from mouse liver
(A) UMAP of the latent space representation of single-cell gene expression across TCDD dose-response. Cells are colored by dose g/kg), cell type, and test-training split. Arrows on UMAP represent a calculated on UMAP space, with each arrowhead representing a specific dose denoted by its color.
(B) Dose-response prediction for the Ahrr gene using scVIDR and scGen. The differences between the predicted and true distributions of Ahrr at each dose are measured via the Sinkhorn distance. Bars represent standard error of expression.
(C) Bar plots of the scores of the gene expression means in portal hepatocytes for all highly variable genes and the top 100 differentially expressed genes. Significance was determined by the one-sided Mann-Whitney U test. ∗p between 0.05 and 0.01; ∗∗∗∗p ≤ 0.0001.
(D) Boxplot of the distribution of scores across all cell types in liver tissue. ∗∗p between 0.01 and 0.001.