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. 2023 Aug 4;17:1226181. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2023.1226181

Table 3.

TUBB3-CFEOM/MCD and TUBB3-nonCFEOM/nonMCD variant phenotypes.

NM_006086 Variant G71R G98S R46W V175L T238A V255I Q292E R391L
Nucleotide 211G > A 292G > A 136C > T 523G > C 712A > G 763G > A 874C > G 1172G > T
Pedigree Information # Pedigrees1 3 4 2 1 1 2 1 2
# M/F/U/fetus 1/2/0/0 1/1/2/0 2/0/0/0 0/1/0/0 0/1/0/0 1/1/0/0 1/0/0/0 1/1/0/0
Inheritance DN DN DN/ND DN DN DN DN DN
Eldest 23y 2y 11y 1 m 7yo 16y 8 m 14y
Peripheral NS dysfunction Kallmann 51–75%2 26–50%2 nr nr nr nr nr nr
CN II: ONH no 26–50% nr yes no 26–50% nr nr
CN III: CFEOM 100% 51–75% nr nr no no nr no
CN VII: FW no no nr nr nr nr nr no
CN IX-XII: Sw. no no nr nr nr nr nr nr
CN X: VC no no nr nr nr nr nr nr
PN no no nr nr nr nr nr nr
C contractures no no nr nr nr nr nr nr
Cyclic vomiting no no nr nr nr nr nr nr
Cardiac arrhy no no nr nr nr nr nr nr
Central NS dysfunction Microcephaly no 26–50% 26–50% no no no no 100%
Strabismus S NA 26–50% 26–50%3 no no 26–50% no no
Nystagmus 26–50% 26–50% nr nr no nr nr nr
OMA nr nr nr nr nr nr nr nr
Seizures no no 26–50% EEG abnl no 26–50% no 100%
Motor delay 100% 100% 100% NA yes 100% yes 100%
ID/Social 100% 100% 100% NA yes 100% nr 100%
Brain MRI abnormality Cerebral cortex 100% 100% no WWS-like no no no no
AC 100% 26–50% nr nr nr nr nr nr
CC 100% 100% 26–50% yes yes 100% yes 100%
White matter 51–75% 26–50% nr nr nr yes nr nr
Basal ganglia 100% 100% 26–50% nr yes yes nr nr
Cerebellum 100% 100% nr yes yes 100% nr nr
Brainstem 100% 100% nr yes yes no nr nr

1Corresponding references reporting each variant are provided in the main text. 2Refers to olfactory system anomalies. 3One affected individual reported with “divergent squint, vertical strabismus” which could be interpreted as CFEOM. no, absent; nr, not reported or mentioned in publication(s); percentages = percentage range of affected individuals for whom the phenotype has been reported. # Pedigrees, number of pedigrees reported in the literature; #M/F/U/fetus, number of affected individuals who are male, female, unknown or were a fetal case. AD, autosomal dominant; DN, de novo; ND, not determined. Eldest, eldest reported individual to date harboring the variant. Y, years of age. Kallmann, anosmia and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and/or hypoplasia/absence of olfactory sulci and bulbs. CN II: ONH, optic nerve: optic nerve hypoplasia. CN III: CFEOM, oculomotor nerve: congenital fibrosis of the extraocular muscles. CN VII: FW, facial nerve: congenital facial weakness. CN IX-XII: Sw., lower cranial nerves: swallowing dysfunction. CN X: VC, vagal nerve: vocal cord paralysis. PN, mixed sensorimotor axonal polyneuropathy. C contractures, congenital contractures. Cardiac Arrhy, sick sinus syndrome with or without a pacemaker. S NA, strabismus not relevant given CFEOM. N NA, nystagmus not relevant given CFEOM. OMA, oculomotor apraxia. LD, learning disorder. LD NA, LD not relevant given ID/Social disabilities. ID/Social, intellectual and social disabilities (including ASD). Cerebral cortex, malformation of cortical development. AC, hypoplasia or absence of anterior commissure. CC, hypoplasia or absence of corpus callosum. White matter, paucity of central white matter and/or aberrant fascicles or signal where noted. Basal ganglia, presence of any abnormality ranging from mild asymmetry of caudate to full malformation. Cerebellum, malformation of vermis and/or hemispheres. Brainstem, hypoplasia or malformation.