Table 1.
Search terms (PubMed search strategy).
1. (“surveys and questionnaires” [MeSH Terms] OR “health surveys” [MeSH Terms] OR “healthcare survey” [Text Word] OR survey* [Text Word] OR questionnaire* [Text Word] OR interview* [Text Word]) |
2. (“COVID-19” [All Fields] OR “COVID-19” [MeSH Terms] OR “COVID-19 vaccines” [All Fields] OR “COVID-19 vaccines” [MeSH Terms] OR “COVID-19 serotherapy” [All Fields] OR “COVID-19 serotherapy” [Supplementary Concept] OR “COVID-19 nucleic acid testing” [All Fields] OR “COVID-19 nucleic acid testing” [MeSH Terms] OR “COVID-19 serological testing” [All Fields] OR “COVID-19 serological testing” [MeSH Terms] OR “COVID-19 testing” [All Fields] OR “COVID-19 testing” [MeSH Terms] OR “sars cov 2” [All Fields] OR “SARS-CoV-2” [MeSH Terms] OR “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2” [All Fields] OR “ncov” [All Fields] OR “2019 ncov” [All Fields] OR ((“coronavirus” [MeSH Terms] OR “coronavirus” [All Fields] OR “cov” [All Fields]) AND 2019/11/01:3000/12/31[Date - Publication])) |
3. “Spain” [Text Word] |
4.1 AND 2 AND 3 |